Our Misuse of Phosphorus is Depleting Reserves Vital to Global Food Production and Adding to the Climate Crisis

The excessive use of phosphorus is threatening our global food supply and adding to the climate crisis, according to scientists who are warning of a possible “phosphogeddon”. This refers to the looming threat of deadly shortages of fertilizers that could disrupt global food production.

Phosphorus, a mineral essential to life, is used extensively in crop growth, with approximately 50 million tonnes of phosphate fertilizers sold around the world each year. However, significant deposits of phosphorus are found in only a few countries, such as Morocco, China, and Algeria. As a result, the world may reach “peak phosphorus” in the coming years, leaving many nations struggling to obtain enough to feed their people.

Moreover, the misuse of phosphorus is leading to the contamination of water and the creation of harmful algal blooms, resulting in the creation of aquatic dead zones that threaten fish stocks. Fertilizer washed from fields, together with sewage inputs into rivers, lakes, and seas, is causing significant harm. Many of the world’s biggest bodies of freshwater are now afflicted, including Russia’s Lake Baikal, Lake Victoria in Africa, and North America’s Lake Erie.

The overuse of phosphorus is also increasing releases of methane across the planet, which is adding to global heating and the climate crisis caused by carbon emissions. Methane is 80 times more potent than carbon dioxide at warming the atmosphere, making it a significant cause for concern.

Fortunately, there are measures we can take to address this impending crisis. These include improving ways to recycle phosphorus and ensuring a global shift to healthy diets with low phosphorus footprints.

The phosphorus predicament is a significant global threat that requires immediate action. By taking steps to address this issue, we can prevent “phosphogeddon” and safeguard our food supply and the environment for future generations.

If we do not act now to address the misuse of phosphorus, it will have catastrophic consequences for the planet, leading to shortages of food, environmental devastation, and further exacerbation of the climate crisis.