Davao City officials are currently exploring the possibility of establishing a new direct flight from Osaka, Japan to Davao, Philippines.

The plan is part of a larger effort to strengthen the relationship between Shennan City, a city in Osaka Prefecture, and Davao City.

According to Councilor Bernard E. Al-ag, the Committee on Trade, Commerce, and Industry Chair of the Davao City council, a direct flight from Osaka to Davao in Kansai Airport will increase tourist arrivals for both cities.

Additionally, the direct flight would promote Davao City to the entire Osaka prefecture, as many local Japanese are not yet familiar with the city.

Davao City officials have already started discussions with All Nippon Airways (ANA) for the proposed direct flight. However, ANA has expressed that they are not yet ready to fly outside Manila since they are still recovering. As an alternative option, Cebu Pacific is being considered since they already have a partner in Osaka.

Furthermore, the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) has reported a surge in tourist arrivals from the Philippines since Japan opened its borders to leisure tourists and eased travel restrictions in October 2022.

In 2022, Japan welcomed 126,900 Filipino visitors, with a significant increase during the last quarter. Before the pandemic, Japan recorded over 600,000 tourists from the Philippines in 2019.

The proposed direct flight from Osaka to Davao will open up a new pathway for Japanese tourists to discover the natural wonders of Davao and vice-versa, as well as foster cultural exchange between the two sister cities.

Source: Inside Politico | #InsidePolitico | May 2, 2023