Cebu City has recently introduced its innovative bio-fence technology in eight mountain villages to address the alarming accumulation of garbage from neighboring municipalities’ coastal areas.

The city’s officials have taken a step forward in their environmental campaign by installing bio-fences in Agsungot, Binaliw, Pulangbato, Pit-os, San Jose, Bacayan, Talamban, and Budlaan after the 5th Cebu City coastal cleanup activity.

The bio-fence technology consists of pet bottles wrapped in a net that is designed to float on riverbanks, creeks, and other waterways. The bio-fence aims to contain garbage and prevent it from flowing into the ocean. The Cebu City Environment and Natural Resources Office (CCenro) expressed their positivity about the extension of this technology and hopes for a massive movement and awareness to address the increasing rate of garbage polluting the ocean.

Before installing the bio-fences, the CCENRO River Troopers conducted a site assessment, preparation, and coordination with the communities along the Butuanon River for simultaneous installation of the bio-fences.

The office is hopeful that with bio-fences installed in key strategic areas of each barangay, the problem of solid waste will somehow be manageable, promoting ownership and accountability with the respective leaders of the community.

Moreover, Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama has appealed to officials in the eight villages to take care of the bio-fences. The mayor hopes the bio-fences will help the city in its environmental campaign, making it possible to keep the waterways free from the garbage.

Source: Inside Politico | #InsidePolitico | March 21, 2023