Antique Provincial Tourism and Cultural Affairs Office (APTCAO) has unveiled its newest attraction for the people of Antique during All Saints’ Day (“Undas”).

Titled “Kalag-Kalag 2023,” this event showcases various mythological creatures, creating a chilling ambiance after dark.

Visitors can witness the eerie presence of witches, “tikbalang” (a horse-headed creature with a human body), and the elusive “sigbin,” resembling a kangaroo or deer, known to lurk among the trees and nature in Antique folklore.

In addition to these mythical characters, a replica of the century-old cemetery facade from Tobias Fornier town features a peculiar inscription in the local dialect, Kinaray-a, which reads, “Kami Karon, Kamo Dason.” Its meaning, “Our time is now, and you will be next,” adds to the intrigue surrounding this famous graveyard.

APTCAO has also organized a costume parade and contest, as well as a “Trick or Treat” event at the New Capitol Grounds on October 27. 

The costume parade and contest are open to children aged two to twelve for the kids’ category, and thirteen and above for adults.

The event will run until November 4, 2023.

Source: Inside Politico | #InsidePolitico | October 26, 2023